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EmailExtractor is a web bot capable to visit web pages starting from a set of initial URLs (seeds): it performs parsing of single web pages obtained and if page contains default keywords, it extracts all email addresses from those and stores them in an text file. EmailExtractor also creates a graph G=(V,E) of all URLs and email addresses collected during its execution.

See software requirements specifications document and final report (both in Italian). Source code are available for download from Bitbucket repository.

EmailExtractor has been run for a month: results, binary files, sample keywords and other resources are downloadable from this link.


GFgeocoder is an automated tool written in Java language for benchmarking of serveral commercial and open geocoders, such as Google Maps Geocoder, OSM Geocoder and MapQuest Geocoder. Some results of GFGeocoder execution, using open data of some Italian cities, are explained in this paper and in this one.

For further information see following slides: link 1, link 2.

GFgeocoder is open source and relased in Apache License Version 2.0. Source codes are available from Bitbucket repository.


OcchiolApp è l'app ufficiale del Parco archeologico di Occhiolà, sito presso il Comune di Grammichele.

L'app è disponibile per iOS e Android (link).


LicataMap è l'app ufficiale del Comune di Licata, realizzata per guidare ed informare in modo del tutto gratuito turisti e visitatori che soggiornano nella città.

L'app è disponibile per iOS e Android (link).


Status è un'app Android che consente la redazione di verbali di constatazione dello stato degli immobili. I verbali possono contenere testo prefissato e libero, nonché immagini e sono redatti mediante uno schema predefinito. L'app consente di generare un report in formato PDF memorizzato in locale sul dispositivo, stampabile in situ mediante ausilio di stampante Wi-Fi e sincronizzato con un server remoto appositamente configurato. L'applicazione è in grado, inoltre, di fornire la mappa dei luoghi di cui sono stati caricati i dati provenienti dalle rilevazioni e lo stato di avanzamento della redazione dei verbali degli immobili da censire.


NetMatch* is a Cytoscape app that allow user to find all the occurrences of a query graph in a network and check for its significance as a motif with respect to seven different random models. The query can be uploaded or built from scratch using Cytoscape facilities. NetMatch* also allows queries with wildcards.

Follow this link for further information and for dowloading executable or source code. Last release is also available on Zenodo platform. Source code is available on GitHub.

Read a related paper published on F1000Research clicking here.

Update: release 3.2 of NetMatch* includes new features, see my MSc thesis or these slides for further information.


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